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God’s Plans for Post Exile in Ezekiel 45

Introduction: Ezekiel 45 is a chapter that outlines the God’s plan for the allocation of land and resources in the new temple and city after the Babylonian exile is over. This chapter is very important as it provides a glimpse into the careful planning and attention to detail that God has for His people. The chapter also points out the importance of fairness and justice in the distribution of the resources in Israel, as well as the need for the people to honor God with their offerings and tithe.

I. The Division of the Land (Ezekiel 45:1-8)
Ezekiel 45:1-8 describes the division of the land for the temple, the priests, the Levites, the city, and the prince. This division of land is based on the principle of fairness and justice. The land for the temple is to be set apart as a holy district, and the priests and Levites are to have their own portions of land as well. The city is to have its own portion, and the prince is to have his own portion as well.

Cross reference verses: Numbers 35:1-8 provides a similar division of land for the Levites, showing the consistency of God’s plans for His people. Deuteronomy 19:1-13 also emphasizes the importance of justice in the division of land.

II. Offerings and Feasts (Ezekiel 45:9-17)
Ezekiel 45:9-17 outlines the offerings and feasts that are to be observed by the people. The offerings are to be made with honesty and integrity, and the people are to use just measures in their transactions. The chapter also points out the feasts that are to be observed, including the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Cross reference verses: Leviticus 23:4-44 describes the feasts that are to be observed by the people, showing the continuity of God’s plans for His people. Proverbs 11:1 also emphasizes the importance of honesty in transactions.

III. The Prince’s Role (Ezekiel 45:18-25)
Ezekiel 45:18-25 highlights the role of the prince in the offerings and feasts. The prince is to provide the offerings for the people, and he is to ensure that the feasts are observed properly. The chapter also points out the need for the prince to be just and fair in his dealings with the people.

Cross reference verses: 1 Kings 9:25 describes the role of the king in providing offerings for the people, showing the consistency of God’s plans for leadership. Isaiah 32:1 also emphasizes the importance of just and fair leadership.

Conclusion: Ezekiel 45 provides a detailed outline of God’s plan for the distribution of land and resources in the new temple and city. The chapter places high the importance of fairness and justice in the distribution of resources, as well as the need for the people to honor God with their offerings. The role of the prince or king is also spoken of here, as he is responsible for ensuring that the offerings and feasts are observed properly. Overall, this chapter reminds us as believers of the careful planning and attention to detail that God has for His people, and the importance of honoring Him in all that we do as we travel through this world. Remember Christians, we are not of this world, we are only passing through (John 17:16).

The Nicolaitans were a group mentioned in the book of Revelation in the New Testament, specifically in Revelation 2:6, 2:15. They were a heretical sect in the early Christian church that was condemned by Jesus in his messages to the churches of Ephesus and Pergamum. The exact beliefs and practices of the Nicolaitans are not clearly described in the Bible, but early church leaders such as Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria suggested that they promoted sexual immorality and the consumption of food sacrificed to idols. Some scholars believe that the Nicolaitans were followers of a false teacher named Nicolas, who may have been one of the original seven deacons appointed by the apostles in Acts 6:5. However, the exact identity and teachings of the Nicolaitans remain a matter of debate among theologians and historians.