Tag: wait on Lord
What the Bible Says About Waiting on Lord
Waiting on the Lord, as these verses teach us, is a powerful spiritual position that combines patience, faith, and endurance, promising divine strength, guidance, and protection. Read More…
Revealing Psalm 123’s Blessed Hope
in Psalms“Unveiling Psalm 123’s Divine Hope” illuminates the profound message of trust and reliance on God’s unwavering grace and mercy to inspire us. Read More…
Psalm 40: Waiting Patiently on The Lord
in PsalmsPsalm 40 sheds light on God’s faithfulness to the believers, and the power of patience in waiting upon the Lord. Read More…
Steps of Good Man Ordered by The Lord: Psalm 37
in PsalmsPsalm 37 gives us guidance that offers profound wisdom on how to navigate through life, the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Read More…
Psalm 25: Lord Teach Me Your Truth
in PsalmsPsalm 25 teaches us the fact that in every crisis, God is our rock, our teacher, our guide, and our deliverer. Read More…