Tag: rebellion against God
Nahum 3: Nineveh the City of Blood
in NahumNahum 3 paints a graphic picture of the judgment that will come upon those who rebel against God, and persist in wickedness. Read More…
Hosea 6: God’s Call to Return & Revival
in HoseaHosea 6 emphasizes the importance of genuine repentance and the consequences of neglecting the call from God to renewal and revival. Read More…
Jeremiah 6: Impending Judgment Upon Jerusalem
in JeremiahJeremiah 6 unveils the impending judgment of God upon Jerusalem for their persistent disobedience and rebellion. Read More…
Revealing Psalm 107’s Divine Wisdom
in PsalmsExplore Psalm 107, an eloquent hymn that brims with divine wisdom, revealing God’s mercy, might, and love in our moments of despair and triumph. Read More…
The Messiah Revealed in Psalm 2
in PsalmsPsalm 2 is a prophetic oracle that unveils the rebellion of nations against God and His anointed One. Read More…