Tag: Caleb
Joshua 15: Land Allocated to Judah
in JoshuaIn Joshua 15, we see a detailed account of the land that was allocated to the tribe of Judah, the largest of the twelve Israelite tribes. Read More…
Joshua 14: Caleb – Give Me This Mountain
in JoshuaJoshua 14 teaches the courage and spirit of Caleb’s request to Joshua for the land of Hebron. Read More…
Joshua 13: Allocation of Promised Land
in JoshuaJoshua 13 offers a profound look into the allocation of the promised land among the tribes of Israel. Read More…
Numbers 14: The 12 Spies Report
in NumbersNumbers 14 shows the 12 spies report, and demonstrates God’s mercy and faithfulness against the backdrop of unbelief, disobedience and rebellion. Read More…
Numbers 13: Moses Sends the 12 Spies
in NumbersNumbers 13, the sending of the 12 spies, is a stark reminder to trust God’s promises, regardless of the circumstances around us. Read More…